Monday, November 17, 2008


It seemed to take forever until I had a child that was old enough to be a part of the Primary program for Sacrament meeting and now I have three who were up there. It is always my favorite Sunday of the year and the girls of course have always been excited to be a part of it. This was Josh's first year and he was not so into it, Joe had to go sit with him and he would not get up with the class to sing, oh well. He still looked out and gave me big smiles and a few waves. I had to take this picture before we walked out the door because it is the first time ever, I have gotten him to wear a white shirt and tie. He has always freaked out when I have even suggested such an outfit. I was desperate, because all the boys where told to wear white shirts so it took a Disneyland bribe to get him to do it but that is always O.K. with me:)



Lisa said...

Such cuties!

Chelle said...

Such a cute little troublemaker!

Sheryl said...

those are some beautiful babies! Miss you!

Bonnie the Boss said...

Such beautiful girls!!!! Can they really belong to Elder Dunkley? They obviously take after their mom.

Susannah said...

Do you just laugh at that boy all the time? Too cute

Baby Names - Name Badge Ticker