Saturday, March 6, 2010


for Daddy and Daughters!!!!

I have had a 5 month break from having a Church Calling and with having a new baby I will be honest and say it was nice. So I guess when the new calling came there is nothing like hitting the ground running...because we were in charge of putting together this Daddy Daughter sock hop and it was happening in 5 days. I was called to activity days leader...YEAH!!!!!!!! I am so excited. There are such great girls in our ward and I am looking forward to working with them and having lots of fun.



This picture looks sad but it really is not. Having a daddy daughter time with 2 girls was a little tricky but they were good taking turns dancing with dad and I loved the way Taryn's cute hair looks here.

They played lots of fun games...bubble blowing, balloon poping, baby picture guessing and of course Hula Hooping. Anika has always been confident with her hula skills but she had some tough competition. She ended up being one of 3 winners because it seemed like those girls were ready for that challenge to go all night.

The girls had so much fun and so did Dad. These moments are the best and it was fun to be able to stay in the background and watch them have such a great night.

Yes girls we will do something similar to this next year now that I have some say :)!!!

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