Sunday, November 21, 2010


was the party Josh had been looking forward to for months.

He absolutely loves everything Super Mario right now. He is a better video game player than everyone except for me :) but I am sure that is not far off. He is still such a fun kid to have around and makes me laugh out loud multiple times a day. Josh is also a real go getter and waits for nothing or no one to get what he needs. He also still really enjoys drawing and building. He loves school and just makes our lives so fun.

< Photobucket


For this party he requested NO GIRLS. I finally talked him into at least his sisters.

We played lots of fun games like Team Mario and Team Luigi scooter races.


Pin the Mustache on Mario.
I had bought a poster to do this game on and Josh was crying because he thought we would ruin it. So I very grumpily decided to draw a Mario. I think it came out really good and I drew this thing and did not erase one line on it. I owe any artistic talent I might have to my mother who is an amazing artist. Not bad right Mom?

Wrong way Josh.

Smash Comp Chomp.


My happy boy at the Best Birthday Ever!

Make a wish.
He is now busy planning his plants and zombies birthday for next year :)

If you will notice Josh is missing a few front teeth in this picture. They did not exactly fall out the old fashioned way. We were over to dinner at some good friends and he and their son decided to have a pillow fight. During the fight Josh's mouth found the top of his friends head and he knocked them out. He will have this cute smile for awhile now.
Happy Birthday Big Guy!!!!

1 comment:

Ali said...

Looks like a rockin party! LOVE the theme! Hilarious that he requested NO GIRLS. :)

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