Saturday, February 16, 2008

Almost 8

People tell you all the time to enjoy your kids while they are small because the next thing you know they are all grown up. I feel this is especially true with Anika, because she is my oldest and is just growing up so fast. She is almost 8 so it was time to get her ears pierced. It was a long wait for her, she has been asking for years. I had to wait until I was 12 which I found cruel and unusual (sorry Mom) and did not want her to have to wait that long. We had so much fun taking her down to Libby Lu with one of her best friends Nicole. She was brave and did not cry, it was over fast and her ears look beautiful. Taryn is already to get hers done now.

1 comment:

Chelle said...

Congrats Anika! I'm so bummed I dont' still work at Claire's & couldn't be the one to beautify her earlobes :):) 8 sounds like a good mom said I had to be 16, but she surprised me for 5th grade graduation. Too bad I played Huck Finn in the school play later that week.

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